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Make A Web

For World Wide Web Page creation, design, implementation
and consultation on Internet and other computer services call
Make A Web.

Years of computer programming and industry experience
allow Make A Web to offer the knowledge and skill to ensure
that your web site is robust, informative and interesting
- a site which will bring people - your customers -
back again and again.

Establishing your Internet "presence", your Web site need
not be a confusing experience.  We at Make A Web can
dispel the confusion.  We'll take you through all the
steps to design and implement your Web page.
With ongoing support, Make A Web will maintain your Web
pages, assembling up-to-date information to reach
your customers, both old and new.

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Take your organization into the future!
Allow Make A Web to show you how!

For information call Chava or Mark Gutman at:  (773) 583-9196 Send email to or submit the feedback form: 

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Your name: 




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See our clients

Globe Specialty Products

Northwest Suburban Jewish Congragation

Congragation Kehilath Jacob Beth Samuel

Bee Pee Sales

Authored by a member of
The HTML Writers Guild

Copyright © 1999 - Make A Web - All rights reserved